"....Your children shall be like olive plants all around your table." Psalm 128:3

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Happy Sunday, friends! I hope you are having a lovely Lord's Day.
I have been awol for the past week. There has been so much that I have wanted to share about last week- our first week of school. The week came in not with a bang, but a crash...as in the hard drive on our newest laptop, which we bought in April of last year, crashed on Monday morning.
Now, we have Kindles and an old pre-historic laptop that operates at will, but all of my AO bookmarks were on the newer laptop! Ack! And being the techy illiterate person that I am, I googled how the laptop was acting -or not- to diagnose the problem. After some research, I guessed it was the hard drive. So the next day, I dropped it off at the local computer fixer upper and he confirmed it was the hard drive. He performed the necessary surgery a couple of days later, and I am going to pick it up tomorrow. But all of my bookmarks, photos, downloads..basically everything is lost!! Ugh!!
I am trying to remember "in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thess. 5:18) But sometimes it's hard to be thankful when things go wrong, isn't it? *sigh*
Anyhoo, I am posting this using my phone, so please forgive any grammatical  and spelling errors. I have never done a blog post on my phone before. But desperate times call for desperate measures, right? ;)
I hope to post about our first week of school sometime this week.
Until then, have a blessed week!  :)