"....Your children shall be like olive plants all around your table." Psalm 128:3

Friday, May 25, 2012

National Food Holidays

 Happy National Brown-Bag-It Day, everyone!!  No, I'm not joking.

Today really is National Brown-Bag-It Day! And did you know that there's a national food holiday for almost every day of the year?

For example, January 16th is National Fig Newton Day.

March 29th is National Turkey Neck Soup Day. ( Ick.)

July 18th is National Caviar Day.  (Another ick.)

September 14th is National Cream-filled Donut Day. (Now that's more like it.)

And  November 6th is National Nachos Day,  just to name a few.

We have had so much fun with this! My children especially love knowing which food holiday their birthday is on.  :)
Now, we don't "observe" all these holidays, but we do as many as we can. And my children love looking at the list (which I print for the current month and post it in the school room), and seeing which food is being honored on that day.

So how did I land the info about  all these holidays? A friend of mine gave the website for it.

It's www.statesymbolsusa.org/National_Symbols/American_Hollidays.html

Once you're there, scroll down to "American Food Holidays", and there's where you'll find the list.

Happy homeschooling!

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