A ble and adept
B eautifully blessed
C apable
D edicated to home and family
E cnourages others
F aithful,even in the small things
G entle and kind
H er husband trusts in her
I n all things she gives thanks
J udges quality and price when making a purchase
K eeps her pantry stocked
L oving instruction comes from her lips
M emory maker of the home
N obility and grace surround her
O rganization is a continually growing skill
P recious is her heart
Q uiet and meek spirit
R emembers to help those in need
S trength and honor clothe her
T rustworthy and thrifty
U nderstands her limitations
V enerable and respected
W orks with willing hands
X ample for others
Y earns to be useful
Z ealous in her duties
- from www.homemakersmentor.com
"The wise woman builds her house,
But the foolish pulls it down with her hands." - Proverbs 14:1
Have a blessed day,
linked up at http://www.time-warp-wife.blogspot.com