ABC's of Marriage
Accept one another as she or he is
Be sensitive to each other's needs
Compliment each other regularly
Don't go to bed angry or with an argument unsettled
Express your love and appreciation for each other daily
Forgive one another totally and unconditionally
Give 100% of yourself to the marriage relationship
Honor one another
Identify areas of conflict and work on resolutions
Judge not
Keep on courting
Listen to one another
Measure up to your God-ordained role in the marriage
Never bring up past mistakes
Open your heart to one another in honesty and understanding
Pray together
Quit nagging
Renew your commitment to God and one another
Speak the truth in love
Treat each other as friends and lovers
Undergird one another in child-rearing, work, and responsibilities
View your marriage as a covenant before God
Worship together
X-ray your heart with the prayer, “Search me O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting..” (Psalm 139:23-24)
Yield yourselves daily to the will of God
Zero in on common goals and interests and enjoy each other for life
Have a blessed day, friends!