Last night while working on a sewing project, my girls were playing nearby with their dolls.
My hubby and sons were downstairs working on their model airplanes. So, other than the chatter of the girls, the house seemed so quiet to me. I decided to put on some classical music. I got ready to stand up and walk over to the stereo, then stopped.
Then I sat back in my chair and listened to their sweet voices.
And I realized that music was wafting through my house. Their voices were to my ears. There will be time for classical music when my nest is empty.
With two older children who have married and have families of their own, I know how fast the time passes.....
It seems like yesterday that we brought our firstborn home from the hospital. And it seems like just a few days later we watched him leave for Navy life.
It seems like yesterday that I watched our oldest daughter take her first steps. And it seems like a few days later, I watched her dad walk her down the aisle.
May each of us relish each day with our little ones..knowing that one day, there will be classical music in our homes, but realizing nothing will ever sound so sweet as the voices of our children.
Have a blessed day, friends!

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