"....Your children shall be like olive plants all around your table." Psalm 128:3

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Our Surrogate Chicken

We have been trying for 2 years to hatch our turkey eggs, but the hens just wouldn't co-operate. We made them a nice, secluded, cozy nest lined with cedar twigs and pine shavings. The hens would sit on the eggs, but not long enough to hatch them out. 

So after 2 years of disappointment, we decided to go unconventional and use a surrogate to hatch the eggs. 

Enter Banty, our Bantam hen. She might be small, but she's an excellent setter. And when went she broody a few weeks ago, we decided to give her a chance at hatching the turkey eggs. 

From the beginning, she was consistent and diligent, only leaving the nest occasionally to get a drink of water and eat the clover we were feeding her.

We waited and waited. 

Then yesterday morning, while the children were outside doing their morning chores, I heard Natalie yell, "Baby turkeys!!!"

I grabbed my camera and ran outside.

And this is what I saw..

Banty had hatched all four eggs!

One little turkey was looking a little sickly, but we hand feed him a few times. And by last night he was on his feet and acting fine.

So, our turkey flock has increased by four. 

Next up - enlarging our chicken flock by hatching out some baby chicks, and Banty just might be the one to do it.  :)

Hope you all have a lovely day!


  1. Yeah! Great news! I can't wait to show my kiddos these pictures. Have a wondeful day, dear Lisa!

    1. I hope you have wonderful day, too, dear friend!
      And thanks for stopping by. :)

  2. Oh, that is so funny on so many levels.

    1. So glad you stopped by, Kendra. Praying for you, my friend. :)

  3. Wow, how interesting. I am so glad it worked well, and now, as you say, for the chicks. Go Bunty!

    1. Yes, Silvia...hopefully some baby chicks will be making their appearance next month. :)
      Hope your day is a wonderful one!

  4. She definitely is, Jen. Hope you have lovely day!

  5. Yeaaa Banty!!! She must be one proud mama. That is very exciting and cute too! Congratulations my friend. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, dear Jane. Hope you're having a lovely week. :)


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