"....Your children shall be like olive plants all around your table." Psalm 128:3

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Keeping Company with Amy Carmichael

From Gold By Moonlight, by Amy Carmichael, chapter 3, The Ravine.

          "Love, travelling in the greatness of His strength, 
                    Found me alone, 
            Footsore and tired by the journey's length,
                    Though I had known 
            All the long way many a kindly air,
            And flowers blossomed for me everywhere. 

            And yet Love found me needing Him. He stayed: 
                      Love stayed by me. 
            'Let not thy heart be troubled or dismayed, 
                      My Child,' said He.
            Slipped from me then, all troubles, all alarms,
            For Love had gathered me into His arms." 

(You can read my previous posts about this book here, here, here, and here.)

Sharing with Celeste  and Dawn.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March Flexi of the Month

Hi, everyone!

March is here and that means the Flexi of the Month is available now. It's so beautiful, and it's called Trinitee....
Also, the March special at Lilla Rose is a free Bobby pin for orders of $40 or more, and 2 free Bobbies on orders of $50 or more.  www.lillarose.biz/LisaKnight
Thanks for your support!  :)